Greyhounds Types

If you thought all greyhounds were the same type of dog, think again! There are many types of greyhounds known today, but this diverse group of breeds share elegance and speed among other things.

This guide gives an overview of the greyhound breeds, including the most popular ones such as the Italian Greyhound, the Whippet and the Afghan.

We will briefly discuss some of the characteristics of the greyhound’s appearance, temperament, training needs and common health problems.

By comparing these breeds, you can make an informed decision when choosing the right greyhound for your lifestyle. Let’s dive into the world of these magnificent dogs.

Explore the Fascinating World of Greyhounds Types. Discover the diverse and unique varieties of Greyhounds, from sleek racers to gentle companions. Dive into our comprehensive guide to learn more about these extraordinary breeds and find the perfect Greyhound for your lifestyle.

Italian Greyhound

A small, elegant breed known for their sleek and slender appearance. They are often referred to as miniature greyhounds due to their similar build.

Italian Greyhound playing with a ball.

Italian Greyhound Characteristics

  • Origin: Italy
  • Size: Small
  • Coat: Short, fine, smooth.
  • Life span: 14 to 15 years
  • Ideal for: homes, flats, companionship of elderly people and living with other pets.


The Whippet is a sighthound breed originating in England. Known for their sleek, athletic build, Whippet’s have a fascinating history and make wonderful companions.

Whippet Characteristic

  • Origin: England
  • Size: Medium
  • Coat: Short, smooth, fine.
  • Life span: 15 to 20 years
  • Ideal for: homes, flats, sports companionship and hiking.

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is a majestic breed known for its elegant beauty and stately presence. Originally from Afghanistan, it has a rich history and is considered one of the oldest dog breeds in existence.

Afghan Hound Characteristics

  • Origin: Afghanistan
  • Size: Big
  • Coat: Long, thick, fine
  • Life span: 12 to 14 years
  • Ideal for: homes, flats and companionship of elderly people.

Scottish Greyhound (Deerhound)

The Scottish Greyhound, also known as the Deerhound, is a majestic and regal breed. These greyhounds are known for their immense size and strength, making them excellent hunters. With a wiry coat and gentle demeanor, Deerhounds are known to be loyal, dignified and kind companions.

Scottish deerhound

Scottish Greyhound Characteristics

  • Origin: Scotland
  • Size: Giant
  • Coat: Long, thick, harsh.
  • Life span: 8 to 10 years
  • Ideal for: homes, flats, relaxed people and hiking.

Spanish Greyhound

The Spanish Greyhound is a breed steeped in history and tradition. These sleek, agile dogs have been bred for centuries for hunting and lure coursing. Famous for their speed and endurance, these dogs are known for being gentle, affectionate and highly adaptable companions.

Spanish Greyhound

Spanish Greyhound Characteristics

  • Origin: Spain
  • Size: Big
  • Coat: Short, smooth, rough
  • Life span: 12 to 14 years
  • Ideal for: homes, flats, sports companionship and hiking.

Russian Greyhound (Borzoi)

The Russian Greyhound, also known as the Borzoi, is a breed that exudes elegance and grace. Originally from Russia, these sighthounds are famous for their luxurious, silky coat and slender physique. Borzoi have a stoic and independent character, but form strong bonds with their families and are known for their gentle and calm nature.

Russian Greyhound

Russian Greyhound Characteristics

  • Origin: Russia
  • Size: Big
  • Coat: Flat, wavy, or curly
  • Life span: 9 to 14 years
  • Ideal for: homes, flats, sensitive people, hiking.

Persian Greyhound (Saluki)

The Persian Greyhound, commonly known as the Saluki, is a breed with a rich history and royal associations. Known for their stunning beauty and aristocratic appearance, Salukis are one of the oldest and fastest dog breeds in existence. As loyal and devoted companions, they have a gentle, reserved temperament and often display a keen sense of independence.

Persian Greyhound

Persian Greyhound Characteristics

  • Origin: Egypt
  • Size: Big
  • Coat: Soft and silky.
  • Life span: 12 to 14 years
  • Ideal for: homes, flats, adult homes, sport, hiking